Monday 10 May 2010

Newspaper pots

Today we bought in newspaper and all made some newspaper pots to plant peas, beans and pumpkins in.

We then filled them with compost and popped two seeds in each, but only one for the pumpkins because the plants get so big.

After that we left them in our new shed so that they would stay warm and start to grow.

Meanwhile some of the gardeners were helping to trim the grass around the beds as it has got very high!

Potato planting

today we decided that it was just the right time to plant our potatoes, which had been chitting at a gardeners house until they were ready.

we also saw how much the strawberries and onions have grown!

then we finished off by doing some watering and weeding.

A special thank you to Georgia, the daughter of Kate who helps out, for helping us with digging up the bed for the potatoes.