Saturday 27 February 2010

sheds and potatoes.

Firstly, I would like to welcome Kate into the secret gardening club as a new adult helper; here she is with some of the others.
On Friday we went out to the garden, but it was too cold and windy so we went indoors to the school hall where we discussed sheds.

Capital Growth has granted The Secret Gardening Club £850 to spend on equipment, and we decided that the first thing we would buy would be a shed for all our tools, and to shelter in when it's raining. This is the shed we eventually chose. We will get the school's Dad's Army to erect it for us in a couple of weeks time.

A shed is not all we wanted though, we had a whole list!

After that, we had a look at some chitting potatoes that we had got from the Potato Council, we put them in an egg box and chose a member to take them home until they are ready to be planted.

Next we had a look at some seeds that we won by entering a competition run by Capital Growth. We were the first school to enter so we got five packets of seeds! I'm most looking forward to eating the tomatoes or lettuce but I'm not too sure about the beetroot or the cauliflower!

Finally we had a top secret meeting about the competition. We have to plant our seeds into old things that we find. We can't tell you what our plan is because it's top secret and some other school might read this!